How and where do I quote the copyright for a CC licence image in my post?
My strong suggestion is to follow the examples from the image credits page ( The recommended format for this is as follows: Featured Image Credits: [image name], ([optionally, image place],) [image date] | © Courtesy of [user name]/[platform name]. The featured image credits should be separated from the body of the text with a horizontal line and placed at the end of the post. Please add a link to where from the original image is sourced, such as a specific page on the website. Thus, similar to academic citation rules, image attribution credits should include information on the picture's title, date of creation and authors. These instructions primarily apply to images that are already covered by one of Creative Commons (CC) licenses or are already copyright-free, such as due to being in the public domain. In all other instances, an express permission from the image author must be obtained before the picture is used as a featured image for a post.