- Open Access critically relies on Creative Commons as a globally relevant copyright license making it possible to freely share various forms of scholarly and creative output https://www.ilpfoundry.us/podcast/the-future-of-open-access-and-creative-commons-episode-6/
- As Open Science has been making progress in recent years, Open Access in Humanities and Social Sciences continues to be characterized by cross-country inequalities, e.g., in Latin America, in terms of output visibility, repository use and sustainability https://blog.scielo.org/blog/2022/06/09/a-ciencia-aberta-nas-humanidades/#.YqcJtuxBxD8
- As the travel season gets underway, Open Access can also translate into a gift economy for library patrons https://www.croatiaweek.com/zag-flybrary-open-access-library-presented-at-zagreb-airport/
- Though Germany’s libraries have been negotiating transformative agreements with scholarly publishers, while increasing the article output in Open Access, this growth has not been balanced either across hybrid journal portfolios or in terms of co-authorship https://subugoe.github.io/scholcomm_analytics/posts/oam_hybrid/
- This paper indicates, based on its exploratory analyses, that gambling research studies that used Open Science practices, and Open Access publishing in particular, had higher than average citation counts. https://openresearch.community/documents/louderback-eric-r-et-al-open-science-practices-in-gambling-research-publications-2016-2019-a-scoping-review-journal-of-gambling-studies-2022
- Open Science practices become included into research evaluation criteria of the European Union, as efforts are made to take full account of qualitative aspects of research outcomes, in addition to quantitative indicators, such as journal impact factors https://sciencebusiness.net/news/eu-science-ministers-agree-research-assessment-reform
- Tentative data suggest stable opt-in levels for open peer review arrangements, such as through author or reviewer agreement, at Open Access journals in recent years https://theplosblog.plos.org/2022/06/observations-on-published-peer-review-history/
- Making Open Science practices a significant impact factor of review, promotion and tenure decisions of higher education institutions will likely require a cultural change at these organizations https://www.heliosopen.org/news/university-of-maryland-department-of-psychology-leads-the-way-in-aligning-open-science-with-promotion-amp-tenure-guidelines
- Due to their significant implications for research dissemination practices, country-level Open Access mandates facilitate negotiations between library consortia and global publishers https://www.abdn.ac.uk/news/opinion/letting-open-access-bloom-a-bright-future-for-research-publishing/
- Open Science policies can promote not only international bibliodiversity, but also linguistic inclusion for underrepresented countries https://libscie.org/interview-iryna-kuchma-open-update/
- For the advancement of Open Science, it will likely be necessary to transform the workflows scholarly publications involve, ensure the transparency of the scientific knowledge dissemination and promote equity in the domain of Open Access publishing https://www.iybssd2022.org/en/to-make-open-science-a-reality-key-issues-must-be-advanced/
- The creation of open educational materials may be hampered by statutory and policy ambiguities concerning the intellectual property rights, content licensing terms and author attribution guidelines https://hardimanlibrary.blogspot.com/2022/06/nui-galway-ip-policy-and-oer-comparing.html
- Although Open Access (OA) models tend to focus on per-article author payments, there are multiple new models emerging, such as Subscribe to Open, that seek to move away from article processing charges, to build on existing library budgets to support OA https://www.researchinformation.info/viewpoint/towards-open-access-future
Weekly Open Access Highlights, June 13 - June 17, 2022
This post lists weekly links to Open Access-related links and materials for the week between June 13 and June 17, 2022.
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