The Implications of Open Access for Small-Scale, Scholar-Led, APC-Free Scholarly Journals in Germany

This Against the Grain podcast installment presents a conversation with Philip Hess, Knowledge Unlatched, and Marcel Wrzesinski, Open Access Officer, Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society about their recent Open Access project.
The Implications of Open Access for Small-Scale, Scholar-Led, APC-Free Scholarly Journals in Germany

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In this episode of the Against the Grain podcast, hosted by Matthew Ismail, Director of Collection Development, University of Central Michigan, Philip Hess, Head of Publisher Relations, Knowledge Unlatched, and Marcel Wrzesinski, Open Access Officer, Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, discuss their joint project in the domain of Open Access.

This project focuses on support frameworks for small-scale, scholar-led academic journals that do not involve author-facing article processing charges in Germany. Planned to be handled jointly by Knowledge Unlatched and Humboldt University, this project seeks to address the needs of scholars and journals that lack access to consortial or other funding that can serves as a precondition for participating in Open Access models based on article processing charges, such as on the author or journal side.

Whereas transformative agreements allow portfolios of journals to be transitioned to Open Access, for the journals not covered by these frameworks cost-related author-facing barriers are likely to remain. Moreover, for small-scale, independent scholarly journals in the Open Access sector without supporting funding frameworks, sustainability challenges can arise.  

Edited by Pablo Markin

Featured Image Credits: Humboldt University Library, Berlin, Germany, August 29, 2012 | © Courtesy of Rob Deutscher/Flickr.

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