Open Research Community Introduction

This post explains the background and the aims of the Open Research Community (ORC):
A key feature of the ORC is that its contents are freely accessible under a Creative Commons (CC-BY) license. However, a free user account is required in order to be able to comment, like and follow any of the content. Community members can then follow and participate in specific discussion areas.
Key functionalities available to Community Members include: asking and answering questions within the Community, reviewing your own account-related statistics, setting your profile page private or public, following other users and being followed, joining video panels, downloading shared PDF documents and platform posts, inviting colleagues to the platform, receiving notification emails etc.
At the ORC, authors, experts and editors have additional authoring and content management abilities, such as writing posts, adding them to channels and rooms, and uploading documents. If one would like to be assigned to these groups, a message concerning this can be sent to this email address:
“Channels” on the ORC cover streams of content which fall into broad, overarching categories around Open Access. “Rooms” can be used for both public, topical discussions, such as on Open Access in German-speaking countries, also for private information-sharing and conversations. It is also possible to aggregate materials relating to specific subtopics, such as Gold Open Access or altmetrics, by assigning them to “badges” you can find on the right-hand side of the editing interface.
After they sign up at the ORC, platform users can like, review and comment on the content on the platform. Their input will contribute to a community-based discussion around key and emerging topics within Open Access.
Should one have any questions regarding the ORC, or require further information or assistance, a request concerning this can be placed via this email: Likewise, its users can provide feedback concerning their experience with the platform at this link:
By Pablo Markin
Featured Image Credits: Conférence Open Access & Open Science, Agropolis International, October 23, 2015 | © Courtesy of agropolis'community/Flickr.