The Pricing of Open Access Journals: Diverse Niches and Sources of Value in Academic Publishing | Kyle Siler and Koen Frenken | Quantitative Science Studies 1(1), February 20, 2020
This article analyzes the Directory of Open Access Journals to identify the characteristics of Open Access academic journals related to the adoption of article processing charge (APC)-based business models, as well as the price points of journals that charge APCs across different academic fields.
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This article confirms the theoretical expectation that journal-level impact indicators are significantly and positively associated with the article processing fee levels of Open Access journals, after controlling for the impact of other factors. Since the English language predominates in terms of article output (68.2%), journals publishing, either fully or partially, in languages other than English have been found to charge lower article processing charges (APCs) than their more global peers. Likewise, since large and small for-profit publishers account for 48.8% of articles published, non-profit, university-affiliated, academic or professional society-backed and smaller publishers have been found to demonstrate lower than average APCs.