Avanço, Karla et al. Future of Scholarly Communication . Forging an inclusive and innovative research infrastructure for scholarly communication in Social Sciences and Humanities. Research Report. OPERAS. (2021, June 29).

This report discusses the scholarly communication issues relevant to the future development of OPERAS, while focusing on innovative research infrastructures, business models for open access publications, FAIR data, bibliodiversity and multilingualism, scholarly writing, and quality assessment.

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Go to the profile of Pablo Markin
about 3 years ago

Among the key findings of this report are the not necessarily zero-sum game relations between Open Access publishing and printed book sales, the continued importance of revenue streams for book publishers and the researcher-facing barriers that book processing charges (BPCs) may create. These issues emerge on the background of the globally and regionally unequal abilities of academic libraries to integrate the handling of Open Access publications into their ecosystems, to take recourse to Open Access book publishing initiatives and to allocate sufficient financial and human resources for these aims. These factors also apparently drive interest in Open Access book and journal publishing initiatives, as smaller publishers explore alternative business models for either full or partial transitions to Open Access. Similarly, whereas publishers have been found to express interest in non-BPC models, funding scarcity, project multiplicity and funder dependence are likely lingering challenges for Open Access publishing.