Meta-Research: Evaluating the Impact of Open Access Policies on Research Institutions | Chun-Kai (Karl) Huang et al. | eLife, 2020

This study has evaluated Open Access performance of 1,207 institutions from across the world, as part of the the data analysis workflow that draws on and integrates data from multiple data sources, while extending the coverage of research outputs beyond the Web of Science.

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Go to the profile of Pablo Markin
over 4 years ago

This paper not only suggests that at the level of individual countries, as the adoption of Open Access grows, the greater deployment of either Green or Gold Open Access models comes at a relative expense of the other model, but also that European countries are leading in the adoption of Green Open Access, whereas Asian countries predominantly opt for Gold Open Access with Americas tending to use both models but showing more presence in Green Open Access journals in the North and in Gold Open Access venues in the South.