Langham-Putrow, Allison, Caitlin Bakker, Amy Riegelman, and Sergi Lozano. "Is the Open Access Citation Advantage Real? a Systematic Review of the Citation of Open Access and Subscription-Based Articles." Plos One. 16.6 (2021)

This research has examined the extent of an open access citation advantage (OACA), the increased citation of articles made available open access (OA), given that previous findings have been contradictory and inconclusive, based on a systematic comparison of citations for OA and non-OA articles.

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Go to the profile of Pablo Markin
over 3 years ago

This study indicates that only for Open Access studies closely matching the scholarly rigorousness standards of closed-access articles in their fields a significant Open Access advantage, as opposed to matching closed-access papers, could be detected in almost 50% of cases.