Fraser, Nicholas, Philipp Mayr, and Isabella Peters. "Motivations, concerns and selection biases when posting preprints: a survey of bioRxiv authors." bioRxiv, (2021).

This study has explored the causal mechanisms behind the citation advantage of preprints by conducting a mixed-methods survey of 1,444 authors of bioRxiv preprints, while focusing on their reasons for taking recourse to preprints and articles they choose to post and not post as preprints.

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Go to the profile of Pablo Markin
about 3 years ago

Though the findings of this study primarily derive from the biological science fields, these notably indicate that across early career or established researchers and those based in the United States (US) or non-US scientists, similarly significant differences were found in relation to preprint deposition mandates acting as a salient decision-making factor regardless of career stage or geographical location. Yet, only US authors were found to be more likely to independently opt for the preprint format of publication than non-US ones, whereas only later-career researchers have indicated significantly more frequently than early-career ones that funding considerations and co-author suggestions have played a role in publishing findings as preprints. Likewise, whereas the contribution of preprints to research result awareness was found to cut across career stages and location differences in its importance with higher levels of importance for mid-to-late career or US researchers, only later-career researchers were found to perceive preprint publishing as significantly more important for staking a priority claim in their research fields and receiving additional feedback for their scholarly works. In contrast to their non-US counterparts, US researchers have more consistently indicated that they were publishing preprints to benefit the scientific enterprise and to accelerate the rate of dissemination of their findings.  While preprints are generally deemed to be beneficial for increasing the dissemination of research results over social media, only later career researchers have indicated more frequently than early-career ones that expected citation frequency plays a role in publishing via preprint servers.